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Crokinole Simulator 3000

Can you win a round against Crokinole Bot?

Not sure what Crokinole is? Read our story.

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How to Play

  • Players take turns trying to make a valid shot.
  • If opposing discs are in play, the shot must hit an opponent’s disc, either directly or via another disc.
  • If no opposing discs, the shot must end up within or touching the 15-line.
  • Invalid shots result in the removal of the shooting disc and any affected discs, including 20s.
  • Valid 20s are removed, counted, and set aside after each turn.


  • Center hole = 20, next region = 15, region outside pegs = 10, outer region = 5.
  • Discs touching a line score the lower value.
  • At the round’s end, count the score including 20s. Higher score wins the round.

Read the full NCA rules.